Sunday, March 8, 2015

Non-wisdom teeth

This week was very eventful for I had an Exam in Texas Government with the makeup work from all of the snow days we had. To add to all of that my mother had her wisdom teeth pulled. Above all other things in life my mom comes first in my list of priorities. 

That morning I woke up at 3 to drive her to the hospital in which the doctors were going to pull her teeth. She slept most of the way there, while I listened to the GPS give me turn by turn directions, and watch out for the patches of ice on the road. When we got there I woke her up and went inside with her. The front desk was very inviting telling us to fill out some papers and an assistant will call her name shortly. We sat down and I filled out the sheet for her, making sure this was as painless as possible for her. The questionnaire asked if she had any allergic reactions to certain medications etc. 

Finally the assistant came out and asked my mom to come on back. While she was having the surgery done. I went to go get her a chocolate frosty from Whataburger because I knew she could only have soft foods. When I arrived back at the hospital, I waited for a minute until the nurse came out and said she was finished with her surgery. I followed the nurse in to the bed area and she followed by telling me how to take care of my mother. She told me I would need to change the gauzes in her mouth about every 30 min until the bleeding stops. Also that she need to have an ice pack on her face along with taking antibiotics three times a day until the medicine was gone.

Now that she was finished giving me instruction. The nurse asked for me to pull the truck around and she would help to get her into the car. As I pulled around the car I saw my mom stumbling around with an ice pack around her face. I tried my best to help her in the car and I shut the door gently as she was seated. While I went around to the other side I saw my mom already spooning the shake into her mouth. When I opened the door to the car I heard a noise and it was my mom singing lion king songs. Now knowing that she was going to be ok I took her home. Helped her get into bed, and I let her rest.